1935 – The Metcalf Diary

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This is the 1935 diary of Henry F. Metcalf, long-time and possibly life-long resident of Tunkhannock, PA. This diary is filled with names of people and places. I will list those on a separate page for easy searching. You can read through the diary online, or download a PDF for ease of searches.

I own another Henry Metcalf diary from 1946, his last. I will post that here as soon as it is transcribed.

The parts of the diary that are not transcribed online are: daily weather reports and details of purchases he made when traveling. I will scan and post the list of purchases he kept in the back of the diary. Both of these are detailed in the picture of a page from the diary above.

I have added punctuation. It was almost completely missing. So for ease of reading I’ve added it where obvious and appropriate. Where a word was completely illegible I have simply put a ?.

There will be misspellings. Where possible I have tried to keep the original spelling of the author. It has been changed in areas only where it aids in comprehension.


GO TO The Diary.

Download the PDF: 1935 Metclf Diary

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  1. Pingback: The Diary of Henry F. Metcalf | Unclaimed Ancestors

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