
Annabelle Shuler, age 15 mos.

Update as of 9/14/12: All this photo has is a name and age, but it is so cute, I can’t help but keep searching. I think I may have found Annabelle. After a little research on the style of clothes and shoes I believe the picture to be taken in the 1920’s. The last name Shuler is not typical; it’s usually spelled Schuller. There is one Annabelle Shuler that keeps popping up. Luckily she has some yearbook photos from 1938 and 1942 online. While it’s never an easy comparison between a 15 month old and a 16 or 20 year old, it very reasonably looks like it could be the same person.

I believe this to be a picture of Annabelle Shuler, daughter of Dr. Ivan and Emma Shuler from Seattle, Washington. She married H E lovejoy in 1944 in Seattle. I have found other photos from Washington state in the batch I purchased from at the antique store, so not too far off that it would be from that part of the country.

If this is the right Annabelle, I’m not sure if she’s still alive or not, but I hope I can connect her with family.

Another Good

Forrest Good

With another look through the photos at my local antique store, I found a second Good. This is Forrest, possible relation to the earlier post of Louis Good. Then again, it’s possible that they are no relation at all. But I did a little research just to see what I could find.

Both pictures appear to be from about the same time period and both are from Ohio. Forrest’s picture is taken in Delphos, OH and Louis’ in Lima, OH. These two locations are only about 30 miles from one another – very close.

There were too many Louis Good’s to make any reasonable conclusions about who the man might be, but Forrest is a much less common name.

A search for Forrest Good reveals that the name is not as uncommon as I’d hoped. There are brothers Lewis and Forrest good, sons of Abraham and Luella Good living in Sugar Creek, OH in 1910. Forrest is born in 1895 and Lewis in 1902. No way to know for sure if these are the same brothers of course.

Forrest could also be the son of James and Mary Good from Miami, OH (slightly closer to Delphos).For now questions remain. Hopefully someone out there knows more!

Boy from Bemidji

Boy from Bemidji (MN?)


I don’t know who this little cutie is, but he was too adorable to pass up. Also, the picture is from Bemidji – I assume Minnesota – unless there’s another one I don’t know about. My husband had my engagement ring shipped to Bemidji before proposing so it’s kinda sentimental too ;)