Lizzie Lampo Rowland

Yea! I finally figured this one out. A great picture from gretacarbo on eBay for any interested parties. A name, a location, and a relatively easy to date photo – but it still took some time. I guessed correctly that Lampo was a maiden name and Rowland a married name. But on an initial look, no documents came up that I could link directly to Lizzie. This was partly because of the many spellings of Lampo (Lamps/Sampo/Lampu)! Finally I found an 1889 marriage record between Elizabeth Lampo and E. W. Rowland in Newton County, MO – the same county Neosho is in. This was her. But I still couldn’t find her with parents.

Next step was the MO death records. I found one Lampo that could be a relative, Barbara Lampo, born in 1832, died in Newton County in 1919. Wife of Lewis Lampo – possible parents for sure. Barbara and Lewis lived in Pennsylvania initially. The 1880 census showed no child named Elizabeth. Bummer, but I kept looking, now in PA instead of MO.  Now that I had a possible first name for mom and dad I could take into account all the other spellings of Lampo. I did find Elizabeth with her parents in 1860 and 1870 in PA. I’m still not sure where she was in 1880 before she married in 1889. Barbara also lived in Newton County, MO later as a widow with several other daugthers.

Elizabeth/Lizzie Lampo was born in PA in 1858. She appeared to be the first child of Barbara and Lewis who were from Germany. I don’t know much about her post marriage. But this is a really beautiful picture of her, and I hope she finds a great home.

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